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About Me

Greetings. I'm an engineering graduate and currently employed by Universitas Terbuka as Back End Developer, or more like Technical Consultant.

I have more or less 3 years of professional job experience, but i (perhaps) have enough knowledge/understanding in back end development, data analyst and/or python 3 development, and i have taken part in several projects during my time in Universitas Terbuka. However, as you can see by this page, i'm not that good at front-end development and interface design.

I really don't have much portofolio to show since most of my job is discussing about "what kind of architecture should we use", "should we really use or implement this", "why this bug happens" or "I need to find a way to handle this error". Yes, full of discussion, suggesting and debugging, besides of coding. In my current workspace, i often find myself in the middle of mess i did't create and expected to clear it or make it works.

  1. Education(s):
    1. Telecommunication Engineering (B.Eng), Telkom University, 2016 - 2020, GPA: 3.31
  2. Hobbies:
    1. Random Programming -> (Check out my github)
    2. Sharing Code on Gist -> (Check out my gist)
    3. Competitive Gaming -> Currently i take part in kind of semi-professional Efootball League.
  3. Interest(s):
    1. Back-end/API Development
    2. Data Analyst
    3. Probably anything that don't involve interface designing
  4. Language(s):
    1. Indonesian (Native)
    2. English (I guess it's good enough for discussing something technical and daily life)
    3. Japanese (N4)

Professional Portfolio

  1. AI Assisted Learning

    This is a project about how can we integrate our GPT-based model to our online learning ecosystem which is Moodle based. The project is still on going, but we have implemented this on more or less 5000 thousands student. The concept is simple-yet-controversional. We plan to create an environment where teacher and AI can coexist to teach students or maybe reduce the redundant workload of teachers. Other than coding, integration and such, i also take most part of designing what architecture we want to implement. Ps: Our solution got mentioned and noticed by current CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadela. You can see it on my linkedin post.

  2. Student Record System (Universitas Terbuka Corporate Project)

    This project is one of Universitas Terbuka main apps which is still on going and will keep improving. This project is built with several tech stacks such as PostgreSQL and NestJS as its backend and database, GraphQL as its API communication and Vue as its front-end.

    I am assigned to develop some of it backend features and often participate in the group discussion for features improvement or application architecture defining. We were thinking of transforming the old monolithic student record system into a brand new microservice based architecture, but due to several technical and non technical reasons we ended up designing an anti-microservice architecture. Here is the simplify version of this project architecture design

    picture of a man sitting down viewing graphs off an iPad

    To summarized, we use kubernetes for auto scaling. We also use RabbitMQ as the message broker for inter service communication. The side services are created for supporting jobs, such as automation for students 365 accounts, realtime notification by listening database change, event based notification from each service, a read only caching implemented with redis and other supporting feature to reduce the load of main backend service. Currrently, the MongoDB is used for notification logging only, but there will be improvements.

    I am also assigned for innovation and such which is quite challenging. As far as today, i manage to improve the notification system by implementing microservice, utilizing postgre listener to implement real time event and solving its long running problem regarding user unique identifier by applying queue. Currently, i am proposing an idea which covers deep learning and automation.

  3. Aplikasi Praktikum (Universitas Terbuka Corporate Project)

    Another Universitas Terbuka Project and this time is about an app that helps their students on practice-based subjects. This project is developed and built with microservice architecture and several tech stacks such as MongoDB, MySQL, ExpressJS (with Typescript), Redis, and Vue, but its development is postponed due to several reasons. The design architecture is coming soon.

  4. Sisupel (Universitas Terbuka Corporate Project)

    Another Universitas Terbuka Project and this time is about an app that helps their students on giving feedback and rating their services. This project is developed and built with several tech stacks such as MongoDB, NestJS, Redis, and Vue. The design architecture is coming soon.

Others Portfolio

  1. Medium Articles

    Sometimes i write an article about what technical problem i have faced and how i handle it. So far i have written 14 articles which can be count as my other portofolio.

  2. Simple Python Programs

    It redirects to repository that contains several python programs like hangman game, snake and dice game, etc. Coded with Python 3.

  3. Titanic: Machine Learning From Disaster

    Introduction challenge to data science which taken from Kaggle.

  4. Simple Twitter Bot

    A simple bot which will do several actions to any tweet that matches given criteria. In my terms, the given criteria is any tweet that contains and idol name. Coded with Python 3.

  5. Simple Vue App ft Vuex & Tailwind

    A simple Vue App that is created for vuex and vue learning purposes

  6. Simple WMS ft Vue and Tailwind

    A simple website for warehouse management system in which admin can see and delete user, doing CRUD on products, etc

  7. Simple WMS API ft Express and Heroku

    A simple REST-API about warehouse management system which consists of several endpoints

    Checkout This Repo For Documentation and source code

  8. Dota 2 Lore and Build

    A simple Android Application which consists of static Dota 2 Hero and Lore data

  9. Golang Introduction

    A repository that consists of simple Golang program created for learning purposes

  10. Sekolahku

    A campus side project, about school learning management system. This supposed-to-be website is built by using Laravel as Back-end framework and blade only as its Front-end framework

  11. Bookstore API

    My personal project which is about an app that scraps a books review-recommendation website and several e-commerce website to find . I developed this project using express built with Typescript. Click this to view the docs of the API.

  12. Ampaba (VendorKamu Cancelled Project)

    One of VendorKamu, my side job place as backend developer, project which is about an app that helps on maintaining Gym Online System. This project is developed and built with several tech stacks such as MySQL, NestJS, Redis as its Backend Core. Click this to view the example of the GraphQL Api.